
  • Relationship between iron status markers and insulin resistance: an exploratory study in subjects with excess body weight.  2020. DOI:10.7717/peerj.9528
  • Physiological and dietary determinants of iron status in Spanish vegetarians.  2019. DOI:10.3390/nu11081734  
  • Fatty acid profile and cardiometabolic markers in relation with diet type and omega-3 supplementation in Spanish vegetarians.  2019.  DOI:10.3390/nu11071659  
  • ¿Son las dietas vegetarianas nutricionalmente adecuadas? Una revisión de la evidencia científica. Nutrición Hospitalaria. 2019.  DOI:10.20960/nh.02550

  • Methylmalonic acid levels and their relation with cobalamin supplementation in Spanish Vegetarians.  Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11130-018-0677-y
  • A 6-weeks supplementation with grape pomace to subjects at cardiometabolic risk ameliorates insulin sensitivity, without affecting other metabolic sindrome markers. Food & Function. 2018. DOI: 10.1039/C8FO01323C

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